Happy New Year!

After some good fall fishing and hunting, it is time to close the books on a great year. This is the season for tying flies, cleaning and taking off lines (especially dry lines), and hopefully, adding some new gear to your arsenal, courtesy of Santa or otherwise. Also, its show season, with the nation’s biggest show visiting Marlboro, Mass this weekend. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend, but mark your calendars for the Bethel Fly Fishing Show on March 18th. I will be there will tying flies and telling lies (that’s a lie, but all fisherman are liars except me;), and booking trips for the upcoming season. I know it seems far off when you are looking at a foot or two of snow in your yard, but I promise it will be here in a few months. I always tell people that June is the best month, so consequently, I book up that month so don’t procrastinate, you won’t regret it when the day finally comes.

Best fishes in the New Year, Cheers!
